New Museum Show Opens

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The Traveling Show of the bienniel Tennessee Watercolor Exhibition continues touring around the state of Tennessee. Today the show opens at Customs House Museum, in Clarksville TN. My award winning watercolor painting “Jerry Van, Music Man” is in this show. The museum is open Tuesdays through Sundays. The exhibit will remain there through September 20, 2012. Here is the plaque I received from TnWS this year, denoting that I have earned Signature Member status in the organization, having been accepted … Read More

Traveling Art

The West Tennessee Regional Art Center, located between Memphis and Nashville, is the first stop of the Traveling Show of the 2012 Tennessee Watercolor Society Exhibition. My painting Jerry Van, Music Man, is one of 30 paintings chosen for the Traveling Show, from the original exhibition of 70 juried paintings. The show will be on exhibit in this location from July 19 through August 15. The Art Center is located at 1200 Main Street, Humboldt, TN 38343, and is open … Read More

I Made the Show!

I am so excited that my two new watercolor paintings – “Jerry Van, Music Man” and “Jesus Saves” – are accepted into the Tennessee Watercolor Society’s 33rd Exhibition. This show, as is typical of watercolor exhibitions, is juried by one person, in this case by internationally acclaimed artist Gerald Brommer. The exhibit includes 70 paintings chosen from 212 submitted as digital images by member artists from all over Tennessee. The juror will wait to view the paintings in person to … Read More

Jerry Van, Music Man

My new watercolor painting, of local musician and friend Jerry, is one I painted in my brain long before it landed on paper! I took reference photos nearly 2 years ago, when Rick and I happened upon Jerry and his friend Mike, playing music on a sunny afternoon in front of his wife Dona’s pottery studio and shop, The Castle. Once I viewed my photos, I was inspired to capture what I saw in a painting – visually, capturing Jerry’s … Read More

Jesus Saves

  My newest painting “Jesus Saves” is in watercolor, depicting a barn I have often photographed on a nearby rural backroad. It has so many fabulous textures – the old barnyards, rusted metal panels as siding, rusty hinges, an overturned water tub, a field of wildflowers. I could hardly wait to get started. The first step was designing my painting. Even though my art largely duplicates the scene, I keep basic design principles in focus right from the start – … Read More

The Farmhouse Revisited

posted in: New Artwork 2

Yeah! I’m painting again, after having to sacrifice my painting time to other priorities during much of 2011. I’m delighted to be back at it, and my New Year’s resolution was to finish a partially completed commission by the end of January. Here it is, my newest painting, “The Lewis Farmhouse.” It might look familiar, since this is the second painting I’ve done of this home. The first painting (shown in my previous blog post, called “Mamaw & Papaw’s House”) … Read More

Join Me!

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Visit my website and give it a +1. Just click on the +1 icon at the top of the page: Join my circles too. Just go to my GOOGLE+ page and click on “Add To Circles” in the top right: Thanks!

Mamaw & Papaw’s House

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I delayed posting about my latest painting, since it was commissioned as a special gift and I didn’t want to spoil the surprise. It was painted for a young woman named Alison, from her dad Mitch. This is the country farmhouse which was Alison’s maternal grandparents’ home when she was a child, so she has many wonderful memories of time spend there with her cousins. The grandparents are deceased, and now the home is under different ownership. I had visited … Read More

Watercolor Exhibition on PBS

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The Tennessee Watercolor Society’s 32rd Exhibition, which took place last summer in Chattanooga, was professionally videotaped and will be shown on Tennessee PBS stations this weekend. So if you are in TN, tune in on Saturday, January 29, 2011, 7:30 pm ET and Sunday, January 30, 2011, 3:30 pm ET (adjust for Central Time, my friends to the west!). The paintings chosen for this biennial exhibition were truly superior, and I was proud not only to be accepted with both … Read More

Painting a Snow Storm

The monochrome tones of this painting are quite a departure from my usual use of color, bright lighting and shadows. I wanted to do something different from the snowy barn in sunshine that I most recently completed. And I admit being influenced to try a primarily gray painting after seeing the oil paintings of an artist I met on Christmas Eve, Phillip Anthony, who does exquisite landscapes entirely in black, white and grays. Still inspired by our recent snows, I’ve … Read More

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