A Tale of Two Irises


My bearded irises have flowered beautifully this spring, inspiring me to paint them. The delicate petals are ruffled and nearly transparent, with one group growing upward and the other down. Their feathery ‘beards’ and tightly folded buds provide additional interesting shapes and values. As usual, I took far too many reference photos, being especially drawn to those with backlighting. I wanted to give a different twist to painting an iris, and I was inspired by the paintings of an artist … Read More



Painting flowers is well within my comfort zone, and I wanted to do a blossom in an unusual way, since I had it pegged as a show entry. My huge red garden poppies provide endless interest and I’ve taken oodles of photos. The delicate petals are beautiful and frilly. They catch the bright sunlight in a dramatic fashion, reaching out and up like dancing ballerinas. I had done another big poppy painting a couple of years ago, painting with acrylics … Read More

April: Flowers in Paradise


I admit it – I am hooked on flowers. April is when my flower season gets into full swing, so it was easy to set an appropriate theme for my fine art focus this month. Here’s a peak of some of my paintings which have a focus on flowers. “April In Paradise” depicts some of Mother Nature’s treasures that I associate with April where I live in SE Tennessee. The dogwood trees, which I was amazed to discover growing wild as … Read More