Just as I am seeing my early wildflowers pop out of the forest floor, my bio as “Artist of the Year” has been posted on the 2019 Spring Wildflower Pilgrimage website. I am honored to receive such recognition.
T-shirts, coffee mugs and decals with my watercolor painting “Bloodroot” in a bold design are now being sold online in conjunction with the 2019 Spring Wildflower Pilgrimage of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Shirts available in regular adult style or ladies’ fit, at $17, mugs are $8, decals are $5. The Pilgrimage only produces what is ordered, and the deadline for orders is March 31st; shipping will begin on April 12th. Entire order ships for a $5 flat rate. Click here for the Pilgrimage Merchandise shopping page. (I don’t have anything to do with these products, by the way, except for having my artwork appear on them.)