October: Don’t Worry – Be Creative

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Many people are afraid to try painting or other artwork, often to avoid failure or criticism. I can understand; it took me many years of painting until I felt comfortable even saying “I am an artist.” This post is not about painting – it’s about putting art into your everyday life. Dare to be creative and have fun! It can be the first step to turning yourself into an artist.
I choose this topic for my special October message and delayed until month’s end, since fall and Halloween season provides many opportunities to be creative. The tray of cookies pictured at the top of the post was my most recent creative adventure, baked for a Halloween party I just attended. I simply found a cookie recipe I liked (in this case a spice cookie which would use some of the huge crop of organic sweet potatoes I just harvested) and used the recipe’s icing to drizzle ghost shapes. With currants for eyes, upside-down chocolate morsels for a round nose, and a fake blood-stained cloth, I completed the effect. I used the same dough and my dog-biscuit cutter to make some of them into bones, served in a dog bowl, since I created my costume was as one of my dogs, sweet Darla. Nothing fancy, but fun.

Additional photos here illustrate some other ways I use artistic touches, in decorating, cooking, gifts, hobbies, yard art, and costumes. The internet is full of inspiration, new ideas, and how-to instructions on most any topic you can think of. I encourage you to put an artistic touch on things you enjoy doing!