"Purple Cow, scratchboard © Judy Lavoie 2019
  • MEDIUM:  Scratchbord™ with Watercolor
  • SIZE:  6" x 6"
  • STATUS: Sold
  • PRINTS: Prints available (contact Judy)
  • ACCOLADES: This painting was entered into the 52nd Annual Oak Ridge (TN) Open Show. Juror Kim Winkle gave it the following critique: "Really well done with great use of materials to create the form and wetness of the eye. Just a charming piece...."

"It's a challenge to depict black fur in a painting, since the body contours and features are defined by the highlights only. I was up for the challenge and choose black Scratchbord® for this black cow, creating my values primarily with scratches into the white layer below using an x-acto knife. I simplified my reference photo to include one strand of barbed wire, which I had to carefully analyze to make it look realistic just with my scratched values. I've put barbed wire in other paintings, but never noticed until this one how the wires twist differently between every barb…. very interesting! Once the artwork was complete with scratching only, I used watercolors to add some special touches. The purple was applied with very little variation in value; by that I mean I applied the purple just as I mixed it, painting it over most of the highlights I had scratched away in the fur, then I diluted the purple mixture to two lighter shades for areas of the nose. I added just a touch of green and blue to the big eye, indicating a green pasture and blue sky. Now you've seen a purple cow!"