Sorghum Maker

I’ve wanted improve my skills with “character” paintings, since that’s a subject which challenges me greatly. I had signed up for a 3-day watercolor portrait workshop last year, taught by an artist whose work I love and admire. I bought the supplies and was all excited about the learning opportunity, but sadly the workshop was cancelled at the last minute. The artist had described her method of painting with a limited palette of the 3 primary colors, which I often … Read More

Scratching The Queen

After recently creating a few paintings of fury and feathered creatures on Scratchbord®, I decided to feature some other favorite subjects in my newest scratchboard painting: wildflowers and weathered barnwood. The black background and the process of scratching down to a white surface favor subjects with light values and strong textures; with this in mind, I’ve learned that I need to select my subjects and plan my compositions differently than I do when painting on white paper or canvas. Wild … Read More

14 Great Things I’ve Learned While Painting

I started doing art as a kid and never stopped! As a fine art painter, my learning curve has often been accelerated by tips and hints I’ve learned from other artists. Sometimes ideas come from workshops or demos, not only from the instructor but from other attendees. Other times they come from creative friends in art groups or other gallery exhibitors. Blogs, newsletters, social media groups and old-fashioned magazines are loaded with good art info. Often a fellow artist simply … Read More


 Art is a constant learning process for me. I painted “Scarlett – Red-Tailed Hawk” in a similar manner as I painted “Hair of the Dog,” using transparent fluid acrylic paints on a small 6″x6″ black scratchboard panel, but this time depicting feathers vs. fur. The photos of my work in process highlight some of the steps in capturing this majestic bird. The technical info in the second half of this post may be of particular interest to other artists who … Read More

I’ve Got Sunshine… and New Watercolors!

  Continuing my current MO of experimenting with new art materials and methods in my paintings, I’ve completed another scratchboard, this time with a new set of watercolors. I’ve Got Sunshine is my first painting with QoR® (pronounced ‘core’) watercolors from Golden Artist Colors (read more about the paints at the end of this post). As with my painting “Jasper,” I’ve painted this on Aquabord®, a white-surfaced scratchboard panel. When seed drops from our bird feeders into the gravel below the … Read More

It’s Calendar Time Again

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My new 2019 calendar is printed and here’s a sneak preview. With one exception, the paintings I’ve chosen were created within the past year (not counting an inset of artwork I did at age 7). That’s more painting than I’ve done in recent history, hoorah! Most of my newest paintings have been horizontal so they fit my calendar format perfectly. For the past few years  my calendars have found a great following, so now I have a challenge to fill … Read More

My Sunny Side

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My art has been chosen for the juried Oak Ridge* Art Center 5th Annual Open Show 2018. “Sunny Side Up” was selected for this exhibition of all types of art media, with no geographical limitations for artists submitting entries. Juror Richard Mills, an accomplished artist and Professor Emeritus of Fine Arts at Auburn University in Alabama, was asked to select 90 works for the show. He found incredibly high quality submitted this year, and when he had narrowed the choices … Read More

Mor’ Moo

Cows have been very very good to me – the ones I’ve painted anyway. When I initially got notice of my painting Eat Chicken being considered to hang in a children’s hospital, it was the first time I ever thought about kids as an audience for my art. I had been toying with the idea of doing another cow painting, and the old nursery rhyme “Little Boy Blue” inspired the idea for my newest work, “Cow’s In The Corn.” So … Read More

Twice Honored

I am pleased and proud to announce that my award-winning watercolor “Eat Chicken” is being purchased for Chattanooga’s Erlanger Children’s Hospital Outpatient Center. It will be part of the hospital’s award-winning permanent art display, with other fine paintings. The Arts at Erlanger program has received national recognition, and is an important component of the new Children’s Hospital’s innovative family-friendly environment, designed to engage children, distract them from their illnesses and meet the complex needs of families and physicians. I can’t … Read More

Scratching Again

I feel like I’ve been a bit spastic with my art recently – jumping from watercolor to acrylics, working on paper, canvas, and panels. Whatever I am working on at the time is my favorite. There are so many different art materials and methods I want to try, and it’s a continuous learning process. Perhaps someday I’ll settle down and concentrate on one medium and one surface; I’m still figuring out what kind of artist I want to be when … Read More

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