It’s Calendar Time Again

posted in: calendar, Judy Lavoie, news 1
images from Judy Lavoie 202 calendar of fine art

My 2020 calendars are printed, with the cover and each month illustrated with a new painting I’ve created within the last year. I’ve been quite prolific and actually could have filled more months. Included are a variety of subjects, including some of my perennial favorites like flowers (wild and cultivated), animals (wild, farm and pets), and a still life with lace. I’ve also featured several of my recent ventures in human portraits. There’s even a fellow everyone should recognize.

The calendar images include paintings which incorporate a variety of media and techniques, reflecting how this has been a year of plunging myself into new art challenges. Some of the originals were done with acrylics on canvas, some with watercolors on paper, and a couple with watercolors on white scratchboards. I’ve featured several created on black scratchboards, both with and without added color. It’s a visual smorgasbord, which I hope will bring joy to many throughout the year.

The calendars can be purchased directly from me only, at $15 each, in a clear package with the monthly images shown on an insert. If you would like one or more shipped to you, please email me with your address so I can figure the shipping charge. This is the fourth year I’ve published a calendar of fine art and I’ve gotten wonderful positive feedback. They make a great gift, or a treat for yourself!

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