I’ve Made a Splash!

cover of SPLASH 21 magazine

I’m proud to share a new achievement in my work as a watercolor artist. My painting “Cow’s In The Corn” is being showcased in the highly regarded art publication The Best of Watercolor – SPLASH 21,  presented by Artists Magazine. Open to artists around the world, the annual watercolor competition for this premium coffee-table magazine began in 1997. “Over the years, we’ve been excited to feature artwork from artists all over the world, in every style and subject imaginable, from newcomers and well-known masters of the medium alike,” the publisher states.

My painting is one of just 124 selected for Splash 21, from 1476 entries. I am extremely humbled to be included among so many highly regarded, award-winning, preeminent watercolor artists. This year’s theme was “Capturing Mood,” and I entered my colorful indulgent cow because I thought she clearly depicted ‘happy!’  The magazine promo says: “Each winning artist expertly crafted their paintings with light, effect and personality. We know you’ll love admiring the mood, whether it be dramatic or lighthearted, in each of these paintings.”

page 78 of SPLASH 21 magazineEditor Anne Hevener noted: “Watercolor is a dynamic medium, capable of portraying a wide array of styles, capturing the subtlest emotions, and celebrating color and light in myriad ways. The incredible creativity, exceptional skill and love of the medium evident in the paintings on these pages are sure to inspire and delight.” The entries were categorized into five groups:

  • Figures & Portraits
  • Still Life
  • Nature & Wildlife
  • Land & Sea
  • Cities & Architecture

With each painting, the artist provides a commentary describing the process, techniques and inspiration behind their work. In addition, Splash 21 includes instructional watercolor tips from two masters of the medium – Stephen Quiller and John Salminen.

Here is the text I submitted to accompany my painting in the magazine:
Cow’s In The Corn
This title came to me before I started the painting, while thinking about children as an audience for my art. I’ve photographed many cows and selected this reference for her happy expression. I drove to a nearby field of corn for references for the background, and the husk in her mouth was from some corn I had bought to eat. I composed these elements and penciled in my drawing, then selected a limited palette of three primary pigments: Winsor Antwerp Blue, Winsor Red and Winsor Yellow. I spattered the paper with water then dribbled on the diluted colors, purposely preserving my lighter areas. This random mixings results in clean, vibrant hues. Darker mixes of the same colors were brushed in to define my subjects. The heavy paper allowed me to scratch with an x-acto knife to reveal whites for the eye, hair, whiskers and snout.

Splash 21 is now available as a digital download, and can be purchased here or here for $14.99. The digital edition of the magazine was sent to me as a featured artist, and I am still drooling over the incredible creativity and exceptional skills illustrated in an amazing variety of painting themes. The printed edition will be available by the end of September 2020, and I’ll be anxiously awaiting my copy!

P.S. I sold the original painting “Cow’s In The Corn” but museum quality, limited edition giclee prints are available.