"The Greeter," acrylic painting © Judy Lavoie 2020
  • MEDIUM:  Acrylics on Canvas Textured Artist Panel
  • SIZE: 10" x 10"
  • STATUS: Currently in the gallery of Ampersand Arts headquarters in Buda, TX

"This is my second portrait of Javi, done in response to an invitation to create paintings on art panels manufactured by Ampersand Arts. The founder and CEO of the company adopted Javi from her local shelter a few years ago. The company planned a display in the gallery at their headquarters in Buda, Texas, to showcase their unique FloaterFrames. They asked participating Ampersand Ambassador artists to work from the same reference photo of Javi, on various art surfaces made by the company. See my second Javi portrait submitted to this exhibit, done on Scratchbord™.

The pup's owner is a graduate of the University of Texas so I painted a border in the school's signature shade of burnt orange. FloatFrames allow artwork to be fully shown, with no molding overlapping the image. To personalize the portrait in a unique way, I adopted letters from my favorite game Scrabble to spell out his name. I added Texas bluebonnets to the imaginery background. Javi often accompanies his mom to work, acting as the greeter at the company headquarters, thus the title.

I am honored to a part of this special exhibition."