MEDIUM: Scratchbord™ with acrylic interference paint
SIZE: 8" x 8"
ACCOLADES: 2023 Oak Ridge Open Show juror Stephen Wicks comments: "Exceptional detail with nice variety in line, shape and direction"
"I created this scratchboard painting during a Zoom class on dramatic lighting. I tried to do my stippling, crosshatching and scumbling techniques as finely as the instructor Sheryl Unwin - a very time-consuming process!
As a final touch, to emphasize the light from the ball the man is holding, I did an experiment with 'interference' acrylic paint. These paints have tiny particles of mica which interact with light in an unusual way. Turn the painted surface one way, and it looks all black and white; turn differently and the ball glows with a bright purple. The effect is difficult to photograph, being best seen in person, but the cropped photo here gives you a sneak look. It was fun to add this uniqueness."