Phew! It has been a very busy few months with my art - not much time spent creating paintings, but with all sorts of art-related activities. I didn’t realize exactly how much I’ve had going on until I took the time to compile this list:
- Competitions
I entered a total of 10 different originals into 3 juried competitions, one accepting only watercolors and the other two open to all media - Exhibits
- Entered and hung 11 originals and prints in one location for a three-month showing
- Entered 5 originals into a non-juried three-day art show
- Entered 2 originals into an annual online scratchboard show - Art Demos
Demonstrated and explained the art of scratchboarding during 3 days at an art show with over 1350 show visitors - Sales
Sold and delivered several paintings (yeah!) - Video Production
I have been interviewed and filmed in my studio for an episode of a series called “Hand Made,” focusing on me as a scratchboard artist (now being editted)

My watercolor "Remembrance" earned a People's Choice Award - and sold!
In addition, I have...
- Created limited edition giclee prints for 7 buyers - on canvas, art papers, and metal plates, including framing for all but 2
- Welcomed one new commissioned painting with several others looming in the wings
- Won (and happily redeemed) my $100 gift certificate “People’s Choice” award at Jerry’s Artarama in Knoxville TN, for my watercolor “Remembrance” received at the 2022 Art Show of the Tellico Village Art Guild
- In response to many requests, I am planning a beginner scratchboard class for next fall
This list doesn’t even hint about all the planning, juggling, preparation, framing, labeling, packaging, delivering, shipping, paperwork, public relations and other associated tasks to pull everything off!
Why do all this?
- I love creating art
- My passion is fulfilled when others enjoy (and purchase) my work
- The more art I sell, the more I can create
- I have to expose my art in order to sell it
- Sharing my art experience and knowledge helps inspire others
- I enjoy competition
- Repeat #1!

A visitor trying scratchboarding during my demo.
A few of the shows I’m in are currently online, so you can view and enjoy them from wherever you are:
Arts in the Airport at Knoxville’s McGhee Tyson Airport, now through October 28, 2022:
- 2 of original watercolors, Baby Boomer and Honeysuckle, accepted from nearly 500 submissions as 41 juried into this semi annual juried exhibition
Annual Online Member Show of the International Society of Scratchboard Artists (ISSA), through June 28m, 2022:
- 2 original scratchboards, I Will Twine and Silly Selfie, now showing in the “Active Division” - other member submissions amaze me!
Also, my original Blackberry Blossom was accepted as one of 60 from 192 submitted entries, into the juried Tennessee Watercolor Society Biennial Exhibition, which opens May 21, 2022, at the Association for Visual Arts (AVA), 30 Frazier Avenue, Chattanooga, TN.
Meanwhile, new art inspirations surround my life everyday and my brain is clogged with oodles of future paintings waiting to get started! Life is wonderful and I am so grateful to be able to follow my passion.